Cookies Policy (ECOnecta)

Basic Information about Cookies

This website ( uses both its own and third parties’ cookies, which implies the processing of technical data which may be assimilated to personal character data pursuant to the Mexican legislation within a context of international practices.

Below, and in addition to the Terms and Conditions, as well as the Privacy Notice referred to on the ECOnecta website, basic or essential information about the cookies we use on the site is provided.

What are cookies and what do we use them for?

Cookies and other similar technologies are small files which are installed on the browser or device of a user who accesses web pages through a computer, terminal or mobile device, record browsing and other data, and allow them to be accessed or retrieved later by us or by third parties. 

FUNDES, no/yes allows the installation of third parties’ cookies at its website.

This website uses the following cookies:

  • – Indispensable Cookies:  They are essential and will help you navigate, move through the platform, and see certain characteristics. These cookies are mandatory to allow the basic functioning of our platforms. These cookies are the minimum and indispensable for the website functioning and are saved while your browsing session is conducted.
  • – Functionality and analytical Cookies: They are present for us to provide a better User experience. These cookies allow us to analyze the use of our platforms in order to measure and improve performance. These cookies may be placed by us or a third party under our name and will be stored while your browsing session is conducted.
  • – Advertising Cookies: The website doesn’t use advertising cookies.

This website uses cookies for the following purposes:

  • To perform navigation and use of the site, traffic to pages viewed as parameters of use, interaction and search analysis.
  • Generation of statistical information. This statistical analysis is with aggregated technical data, therefore, they do not link or identify the specific user, unless they are subsequently identified with personal data (for this purpose we use our own cookies and/or third parties’).
  • To identify the user and keep users logged in. Only if there is a registration can it be linked to the analysis and browsing patterns, and personalize the displayed advertising and non-advertising content, interactions and other actions conducted within the website with our internal registration data, all with our own cookies or those of third parties.
  • For the identification, retrieval and storage of data to select and display advertising and non-advertising content, as well as to measure its performance. 
  • To share content in digital partners’ networks and to be able to display multimedia content through translation techniques (framing) in them, without allowing access to more information about your profile in said networks than that which voluntarily and through its configuration in said networks and services is public to third parties without restrictions. Third party cookies are used for said purpose.
  • Conduct market research to generate information about audiences, and to develop and improve services. 

The processing of this data may involve the conduction of users’ profiling and segmentation, based on interests, demographic factors, location and other data that can be identified from the user, from the device, or devices used to consult THE WEBSITE, through data analysis and interpretation techniques.

The processing of these cookies, information on their purposes and their classification as indispensable, operational and/or marketing, the list of operators who access and process the data and the management of their preferences and consent options is carried out through this consent management platform (CMP), that is, a mechanism that manages and allows the configuration of cookies and the USER’s consent registration.

Lawfulness of data processing

Pursuant to Mexican regulations’ provisions regarding personal data protection and THE WEBSITE’s Terms and Conditions; FUNDES, as responsible party for personal data processing, as already expressed in the Privacy Notice of this initiative, is entitled to the use of devices, techniques or technologies for data storage and retrieval (“cookies”), as long as the users’ consent is obtained after having provided them with clear and complete information about their use. 

This applies to both our cookies and those of third parties (content providers, our partners or suppliers).

The USER’s consent is essential for the functioning and proper processing of the data accessed by cookies, so we appreciate your time to read and understand it and request that you configure cookies at the beginning of your visit to THE WEBSITE.

What happens if I don’t want to accept the cookies?

You can change your browser settings to delete or prevent the storage of certain cookies on your computer or mobile device. The “help” section of your browser should provide information on how to manage your cookie settings. Find out how it’s done in your browser here:

Last update: March 28, 2023.

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