Comprehensive Privacy Notice (Iniciativa ECOnecta)

This Privacy Notice is the document where FUNDES expresses its commitment to the privacy and protection of the personal data that it deals with you (user, or the owner). This document details the way (principles, rules, basis, actors, and processes) where the processing of your personal data is carried out.

This Privacy Notice is related to the Terms and Conditions of the ECOnecta Initiative, regarding which further reference can be found at the website: (THE WEBSITE).

Identity and address of the responsible person 

Fundación para el Desarrollo Sostenible en México S. C., hereinafter referred to as FUNDES, whose domicile is located at Avenida Álvaro Obregón No. 171 Int. 606., col. Roma Norte, Cuauhtemoc, 06700, Ciudad de México; is the controller (any operation or set of operations on personal data, such as collection, storage, use, circulation, or deletion. Collection, storage, use, processing, communication, and cancellation). 

Personal data processing purposes

Primary purposes (are essential for the initiative’s functioning).

FUNDES will process THE WEBSITE USER’s personal data to:

  • · Conduct the necessary actions to fulfill the ECOnecta Initiative’s objective, which is established in the Terms and Conditions. 
  • · Provide users with information about the ECOnecta Initiative, its tourism destinations, the HOSTS, its services or crafts or any product, as well as to be able to contact users if necessary or if users request it.
  • · Provide users with a better experience in the process of finding destination, experience, service or craftsmanship, until hiring and monitoring the user’s experience.
  • · Comply with the legal obligations established by the applicable legislation and the competent authorities.

FUNDES will process the HOSTS’ (service providers, experiences or handicraft sellers) personal data in accordance with the provisions of the ECOnecta Terms and Conditions, to:

  • · Comply with the contractual relationship and the objective of the initiative.
  • · Verify, confirm, and verify your identity as part of the contractual relationship and to provide confidence to its users.
  • · Publish contact information on THE WEBSITE or its contents, aiming to promote the HOSTS before interested parties.
  • · Share relevant information about tourism activity and updates to the Terms and Conditions of the initiative or THE WEBSITE
  • · To develop tourism promotion campaigns and other activities that may favor the growth of your activity or project.
  • · Comply with the legal obligations established by the applicable legislation and the competent authorities.

Secondary purposes (those which are not strictly necessary for the provision of THE WEBSITE’s service).  For both owners’ categories, USERS and HOSTS, their personal data will be processed for the following secondary purposes:

  • · Send offers, promotions and advertising about the goods or services offered by the HOSTS or some allies, through THE WEBSITE or on the initiative. 
  • · Develop USERS’ profiles, personalize THE WEBSITE’s experience regarding the interest, and link with the HOSTS.
  • · Generation of statistics and other metrics regarding navigation and experiences.
  • · Sending surveys to evaluate the goods or services to the HOSTS, THE WEBSITE’s operation or the initiative itself.

Although, the secondary purposes are not necessary for the provision of the services offered on THE WEBSITE or to directly engage the HOST’s services, they allow us to provide USERS and HOSTS with a better service and raise the attention and personalization quality level. With this information, ECOnecta can increase the probability for USERS to realize that they will enjoy the services and experiences and be part of the sustainable development of the regions and communities that participate as HOSTS of the initiative.

HOSTS and USERS may request at any time the cessation of these purposes by sending an email to enclosing a brief explanation about the reasons why the HOST/USER is no longer interested in receiving the information.  

Personal Data Collection

From the user:

Upon reading the Terms and Conditions, the USER will provide the following personal data voluntarily, freely and in an informed manner, directly (through THE WEBSITE’s forms, email or telephone call), based on their interest in knowing the destinations, experiences or articles that the HOSTS offer through THE WEBSITE:  

  • a) Identification and contact information:
    • · Name and surname(s),
    • · Landline number (optional)
    • · Email address
    • · Mobile phone number
    • · Copy of valid official identification (only in the event the USER exercises any of his/her ARCO rights).
    • · Face and body image, voice and copy of identification. (Only when the owner participates in advertising campaigns and is recorded, in photo, video or multimedia) *Subject to specific authorization letter.

None of the personal data described are considered sensitive personal data. 

From the host:

  • a) Identification and contact information:
    • · Name and surname of the contact person,
    • · Business’ email address (may or may not be personal).
    • · Mobile phone number
    • · Business’ landline number
    • · Address
    • · Copy of valid official identification (only in the event the USER exercises any of his/her ARCO rights).
    • · Face and body image, voice and copy of identification. (Only when the owner participates in advertising campaigns and is recorded, in photo, video or multimedia) *Subject to specific authorization letter.
  • b) Banking information: Name of bank, account number and/or CLABE (equivalent to IBAN).

None of the personal data described, in both cases, are considered sensitive personal data

Regarding the HOST’s data, the latter authorizes FUNDES to publish on THE WEBSITE and / or share with the interested USER, by any means of contact indicated by the user interested in knowing more about the initiative, the hosts and their services or crafts.

The latter does not imply the approval for uninterested users or any individual to use said data for other, or illicit purposes, to those expressed in the initiative and its Terms and Conditions.

Personal data transfer

We hereby inform you that we will only share your identity and contact personal data with:

  1. THE USERS’ personal data will be shared with the HOST, as of the USER’s manifestation of interest.
  2. THE HOSTS’ personal data will be shared with the general public (by their publication on THE WEBSITE), with interested USERS, with allies, partners and potential sponsors of the initiative.

And if applicable, to the authorities of any nature, pursuant to the applicable legislation in Mexico and prior duly founded and motivated court order, as well as in those other cases where the law establishes that sharing is mandatory for reasonable and express causes. In the latter cases, the participant’s consent is not required. You have the right to exercise your ARCO rights:

  • Access. Know what personal data we have about you, what we use it for, and the conditions of use we give to it.
  • Rectification. Request the correction of your personal information in the event it is not updated, inaccurate, or incomplete.
  • Cancelation. For us to delete your information from our registries or data bases; in the event you consider the latter is not being used pursuant to the principles, duties and obligations provided in the framework of the applicable jurisdiction.
  • Opposition. To be opposed to the use of personal data for specific purposes.

For the exercise of any of the ARCO rights you must complete the format  and file the application to the following email: (indicate in the emails matter “ECOnecta”). 

In order for us to respond to your request, you or your legal representative must correctly prove your identity, accompanying a copy of a valid identification in the terms indicated in the form (which will be sent to you by mail). 

In the event that the information provided is erroneous or insufficient, or the respective accreditation documents are not enclosed, within five working days of receipt of the request, you will be required to provide the elements or documents necessary to process it. You will have ten working days to meet the request, computed as of the day after you receive it. If no response is given within that period, the corresponding application will be considered not submitted. 

If you comply with the requirements, you will be notified within a maximum period of twenty business days, computed as of the date when the request was received, so that, if appropriate, it becomes effective within fifteen business days following the date when the response is communicated. The response will be electronically sent to the email address indicated in the form. 

The aforementioned deadlines may be extended only once for an equal period, provided that the circumstances of the case justify it and you will be notified through the provided means of contact. 

Revocation of consent to the use of personal data

 You can revoke the consent which you have given us for the processing of your personal data without retroactive effects. However, it is important to mention that the revocation of your consent will mean that you will not be able to continue receiving the benefits of the initiative, as applicable.

The procedure to revoke your consent is the same as the one established for the exercise of your ARCO rights.

Limiting the Use or Disclosure of Your Information or Personal Data 

You can limit the use or disclosure of your personal data, used for purposes not described in this Privacy Notice, by sending your request to the following email account The requirements to prove your identity, as well as the procedure to meet your request, will be governed by the same criteria indicated in the previous section. 

Use of cookies or other metrics technologies 

In our Policy about the use of Cookies, we inform you about the use of cookies that we use. This Policy is visible when entering the ECOnecta initiative’s WEBSITE. 

Likewise, we inform you that you can disable the use of these mechanisms by following the deactivation procedure, established for your Internet browser. 

Changes to this privacy notice

This Privacy Notice may undergo modifications, changes or updates derived from new legal requirements or circumstances of the initiative, from our own needs in terms of restructuring or statutory modifications, our business model, privacy practices or for other reasons. 

We undertake to keep you informed about the changes that may occur to this Privacy Notice through THE WEBSITE, whose address is

We recommend that you periodically visit the site in order to find out if there is a change to the this Privacy Note. 

If there is an identity change of the responsible person, it is required to collect sensitive personal, patrimonial or financial data additional to those indicated in this Privacy Notice, in case the purposes that motivated or are necessary for the relationship between FUNDES and the participant or user change, or new ones are incorporated that require the owner’s consent. If the transfers are modified, or not initially foreseen transfers are going to be made, and it is necessary to obtain your consent, we will communicate with you through your email account, in order to inform you about any of the aforementioned situations. 

Personal Data Protection Authority 

If you consider that your personal data protection rights have been affected by any conduct or omission on our behalf, or presume any violation of the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, its Regulations and other applicable provisions, you may file your disagreement or complaint before the National Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data Institute (INAI). For more information, we suggest you visit their official website 

Applicable Jurisdiction

FUNDES and the participating individual accept that for the interpretation and compliance of this Privacy Notice, as well as anything not established herein, will be subject to the content, jurisdiction and competence of the guaranteeing and jurisdictional authority provided in the data protection held by private parties’ legislation and administrative provisions applicable in Mexico, waiving any other applicable jurisdiction pursuant to their current or future domiciles, or for any cause.

Should you have any comments or if you consider that your personal data has experienced any type of breach, you may contact our Personal Data Protection Direction, by sending an email to 

Fundación para el Desarrollo Sostenible en México S.C., hereinafter referred to as FUNDES, located at Avenida Álvaro Obregón No. 171 Int. 606., col. Roma Norte, Cuauhtemoc, 06700, Ciudad de México.

Last update: March 28, 2023.


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