ECOnecta proudly promotes ecotourism in Mexico!

ECOnecta is proud to support diverse sustainable tourism alternatives in Mexico, which are mostly managed and operated by women and men from indigenous communities, adding value to their proposals through the promotion of their culture, customs, and traditions.

Do you need more information about our must-see locations?

If you have a query, please feel free to reach out and we will gladly answer:

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    Together, we thrive by supporting sustainable tourism.

    We promote environmentally responsible and respectful experiences with local communities.

    Your next ADVENTURE contributes to the results of this initiative:

    0 Direct beneficiaries


    are people from indigenous communities


    are women

    +0 Protected hectares


    flora species


    fauna species

    0 biosphere reserves

    ECOnecta destinations actively work in the protection of:

    Montes Azules,


    Ría Celestún,


    Sian Ka’an, Río Lagartos

    0 ECOnecta destinations

    located on

    UNESCO Heritage sites:

    Calakmul Cabins, Hilos de Vida, Artesanos Sabios, Amanecer del Río Bec, Casa Ka’an, Bromelias, Balam Nah, Síijil No Ha, Selva Bonita, Community tours Sian Ka’an, Cooperativa Punta Allen, Xyatt Community

    ECOnecta with us

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    ECOnecta Partnerships

    We work closely with our allies to ensure that tourism gives back to communities, the environment but above all, people. A heartfelt thanks to our friends and partners for engaging with sustainable tourism.

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